The Real Time Show was founded in 2022 by Rob Nudds and Alon Ben Jospeh to be a free-thinking watch media platform driven by community engagement.

Meet the Hosts

in 2024, TRTS partnered with several other podcasts to establish watchmaking’s largest audio alliance, the real time network.

The alliance comprises an international team of independent content creators committed to fostering an inclusive, diverse, and throughly decent environment for watch lovers new and old.

The Real Time Show

Every Sunday, 6 am (show length ca. 60 mins)

The Real Time Show is a weekly watchmaking podcast. Our episode formats include community-driven Question & Answer sessions, Interviews, Audio Articles (which we call “Audicles”), Audicle Analysis shows, and in-person event coverage.

This Watch Life

Monday–Friday, 8 am (show length ca. 20 mins)

Join Lydia Winters and Vu Bui every weekday morning as they discuss watch collecting, the watch industry, watches, and the community that wears them.

Tales from the tribe

Monthly (show length ca. 60 mins)

Over the years, MB&F has united around the brand a collectors’ circle called “The Tribe”, who are each in their own way adventurers. In this podcast, you’ll discover their amazing lives, what drives their creativity and what feeds their passion for watchmaking. Welcome to Tales from the Tribe, the MB&F’s Podcast.


Every now and then… (show length ca. 20 mins)

Sometime is about time, actually it isn't, well, not obviously so, which is why it's called Sometime, because it relates to time, some of the time. It will fight against being pigeon-holed, but if pressed, it is about my life in watches which is science, technology, engineering, design, manufacture, business, family, health and other people…


The Real Time Network is a proud partner of the It’s About Time Newsletter.